12.07.2015 Week(end) in Review

Between Monday and Friday of last week, the only places I drove (besides work and my apartment) were to get my hair cut and stock up on groceries. Riveting, I know.

I went to Pure Barre a lot (anniversary month special expired Friday), and am so excited to say that I’ll be at 57 classes after tonight πŸ™‚ I am still LTB’ing my way to the 100 Club (and hopefully beyond), and if all goes as planned, I’ll get there in the spring! That’s a lot of tucks, thigh sprints, and seat work…

Kevin and I watched The Fellowship of the Ring, and it was much, much better than I remembered. For reference, I tried to watch this movie around 2003-2004, after reading the complete trilogy (thanks to my friend Miriam, who loaned me all of the books). All I remember from that attempt was being very bored and turning off the DVD player after 15-20 minutes. I actually really enjoyed the movie this time, and am looking forward to watching the other two!

I spent Saturday morning running around the 64/40 corridor (Kirkwood, Frontenac, and Brentwood), and made a huge dent in my Christmas shopping. I even got really ambitious and wrapped most of the presents already. πŸ˜›

Window Walk in our neighborhood was on Saturday, so we walked around, enjoyed spiked hot chocolate, and looked at the pretty decorated windows. I love Christmas in the Central West End. πŸ™‚

Saturday dinner was casual, at Tortillaria, one of our local Mexican restaurants. Pork carnitas burrito, yum! Afterwards, we watched the many conference championships at iTAP CWE.

After church on Sunday, Kevin insisted that I meet him at the zoo immediately. I showed up, and he surprised me by saying that we were there to pick out my St. Nicholas Day present πŸ™‚ Obviously, we had to go see some animals first – penguins, sifakas, polar bear, the red panda, giraffes…

Then, I picked out this little ornament.

I made delicious chicken noodle soup for dinner (tripled the celery, quadrupled the carrots, and added a lot of spices). Perfect way to end the weekend.

Here’s to a week of great weather and continuing to avoid wearing my heavy parka!


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