2015 – A Year in Review

To say the least, 2015 has been busy. Though the year started off quietly, travel swiftly increased, work steadily grew busier, and as always, SWE has been a constant. (Speaking of which – next year’s annual conference theme is something along the lines of “Life’s Variable – SWE’s Your Constant”).

Travel was a constant this year. I felt as if I was constantly getting ready for that next work trip or the next weekend away. I spent the equivalent of over 2 weeks in Seattle for work, saw the Rolling Stones at the Indy 500, slid down a million slides (and ate at Paul Bunyan’s) in the Wisconsin Dells, experienced so much of London & Paris, and of course, ate Portillo’s and Lou Malnati’s on several trips to the Chicago area. We also enjoyed the company of our friends at a few weddings this year – Amanda & Jeremy’s wedding in August, and Luke & Lindsey’s wedding in November.

While I am still happily employed at the same company (and in the same job title and skill code), work has changed a lot too. In May, I moved over to working on a new commercial airplane, which has been such an adventure and a constant challenge. It has been a huge change, moving from production support for mature programs to design support for an airplane that is still taking shape. There is always something new to learn! I am so happy that I pursued a career in aerospace, and though 2016 will be a busy year for our program, I’m really excited to keep pushing forward.

As always, SWE has been a big part of my time outside of work. I bid farewell to collegiate leadership coaching at the close of FY15 (June 30), but said hello to coordinating the Wow Innovations Challenge on the outreach committee. I’ve also committed to helping with the 2017 region conference and am continuing to coordinate outreach awards. SWE contributed to my grand tour of Missouri in February, helped me attend the FIRST championships in April, and prompted my first-ever visit to Nashville in October (host city for WE15). Best of all, I officially became a life member in late February. 🙂

What year is complete without a few visits to my alma mater? Though I only made it to Columbia three times this year, those three visits were a ton of fun. I love having people to visit (my sister is a sophomore, and my friend Julie recently graduated with a master’s degree in music) and so many fond memories of my time there. Sports are a little disappointing right now, but I know that it will eventually pick up again. 😛 And in light of the recent tumult and unrest, I am praying that the interim leadership can push change and conversations forward, and transition the university & UM system into the hands of the new permanent leadership.

Ah, baseball. As many of you know, I am dating one of the biggest Cubs fans ever. That was easy in 2014 (when they were a minimal threat), but has grown in difficulty this year.* We attended a number of baseball games, including several Cards/Cubs games at Busch, a Cubs game at Wrigley, and a Cards/Cubs playoff game. The offseason has been a little tough, since they signed both of the big free agents from the Cardinals. 😦

* Who am I kidding? I love my Cubs fan dearly, and I’ll cut him some slack since he spent the first 18 years of his life in Chicago (and the next four in close proximity to the Iowa Cubs). I’ve accepted that we will never agree on baseball teams.

One of the other highlights of the year: meeting penguins. Best anniversary present ever. Another unexpected surprise – celebrating my 25th birthday on a beautiful dinner cruise in Paris, during our whirlwind Europe trip. I feel so lucky to have found a Disney-loving, sports-obsessed, music history – memorizing, goofy, ambitious engineer who will *always* be a child at heart, no matter how many degrees he has obtained. 😛 (I’ll stop the sap there. Sorry.)

In June, I started getting into Pure Barre. Six months ago, I couldn’t plank for 30 seconds, much less 90. It is still really hard, but I have gotten so much stronger, and I love the energy and judgement-free atmosphere. I’m hoping to make it to the 100 club by April (fingers crossed!).

My parents’ home is incomplete without a dog running around and toys in every room. Scout entered our lives in March, and has given the house some much-needed energy and spunk. Though I didn’t get to help pick her out, I am thoroughly pleased with my family’s choice. It’s really flattering to be greeted with squeals and tail-wagging.

Needless to say, 2015 has been memorable in so many ways. Here’s to an even better 2016 🙂



12.15.2015 – Week in Review

Like many recent weeks, the only places I drove during the week were home and work (with the exception of one evening at Advent church). Life has been extraordinarily quiet recently, which is a welcome change after a busy year of traveling.* It is a wonderful thing, not knowing when I will be traveling next 🙂

*For reference, between the end of February and the end of November, I visited Seattle (twice), Kansas City (twice), Chicago (three times), Indianapolis, the Wisconsin Dells, London, Paris, and Nashville.

This weekend was certainly more lively than the week leading up to it. I started off Friday night with Pure Barre (what a surprise) and headed home to make a delicious dinner – pizza with chicken, roasted red pepper, tomato, mozzarella, and homemade pesto (from my mom):

Delicious pizza for a quiet night in

In preparation for next weekend’s movie extravaganza (read: we are seeing Star Wars on Saturday at 9 AM), we watched Episode V on Friday and Episode VI on Saturday. I have learned a frightening amount about Star Wars in the weeks since Kevin started playing Star Wars Battlefront. The game is true to the films and mimics the landscapes and battle scenes perfectly, and I have actually grown to a point where I can identify a planet from a picture. Not bad, considering that three years ago, a senior engineer (who I spoke with while being interviewed for a job) told me that I needed to see the Star Wars movies. 😛

The big news of the weekend was all for other people – I checked the mail on Saturday morning, and found a beautiful save-the-date for my friend Audrey’s wedding. 🙂 we met through Science Olympiad many years ago, and both ended up becoming chemical engineers! I am so excited to be able to witness the beginning of the rest of her & Christopher’s lives together.

The other exciting news of the weekend – my friend Nathan got engaged! As many of you know, Nathan was one of my closest friends in college, who I met in calc 2 honors (and other classes) in the first week of college. His fiancée, Banoo, was also in that calc 2 honors class, and I got to know her through our involvement in SWE. Finally, shortly after we graduated, they started dating 🙂 I couldn’t be happier for these two, and I am so happy to see them so happy. This is another wedding that I can’t wait to attend!

So, after squealing about all the happy news for my friends, it was time to enjoy the 70 degree weather (in December – this is unreal). We spent Saturday afternoon walking around Kirkwood, finishing off a little Christmas shopping and eyeing the cookie cutters that I want to buy from Cornucopia (read: they sell dinosaur cookie cutters). Afterwards, we dropped by Schlafly Bottleworks in Maplewood for a beer – Christmas ale for me, and a pumpkin ale for Kevin.

On Sunday, I dropped Kevin off at the airport and zipped down to church. Normally, I am rushing in at 7:54, so it was nice to arrive at 7:45 for a change. The sanctuary looked beautiful.

All decked out for Christmas

Much of the afternoon was spent on puppy playtime. I had a quality two hours with my Scout-monster – she is just three days shy of a year old! This dog has brought so much joy to my family’s lives since March. I know she drives my parents crazy sometimes, but she is a sweetheart and so full of energy. I also dropped by my aunt’s house, under the illusion of stopping by for a Christmas sweater (which I did get), but actually to play with her sweet dogs, Ishi and Elly. I love them and they love me. 🙂

Later, I went to Pure Barre (notice a theme?) and walked over to the pretty Christmas tree, before heading home for a quiet evening of Gilmore Girls and Trader Joe’s mac & cheese. (They mentioned electrochemistry on a season 2 episode – this is my thing.)

Central West End Christmas tree (near Bissinger’s)

I spent the entirety of last night making sugar cookies for work (and wishing that I hadn’t been so ambitious with these baked goods). The recipe made an insane number of cookies. I’m bringing 18 to my old group today, already put a huge bag in the freezer, and still have two plates in the fridge to ice tonight…

Otherwise, it’s just a standard week with Pure Barre, airport chaffeuring, Star Wars, and finishing those last few touches for Christmas. I need some time off 😛 Just 8 days until winter break 🙂


12.07.2015 Week(end) in Review

Between Monday and Friday of last week, the only places I drove (besides work and my apartment) were to get my hair cut and stock up on groceries. Riveting, I know.

I went to Pure Barre a lot (anniversary month special expired Friday), and am so excited to say that I’ll be at 57 classes after tonight 🙂 I am still LTB’ing my way to the 100 Club (and hopefully beyond), and if all goes as planned, I’ll get there in the spring! That’s a lot of tucks, thigh sprints, and seat work…

Kevin and I watched The Fellowship of the Ring, and it was much, much better than I remembered. For reference, I tried to watch this movie around 2003-2004, after reading the complete trilogy (thanks to my friend Miriam, who loaned me all of the books). All I remember from that attempt was being very bored and turning off the DVD player after 15-20 minutes. I actually really enjoyed the movie this time, and am looking forward to watching the other two!

I spent Saturday morning running around the 64/40 corridor (Kirkwood, Frontenac, and Brentwood), and made a huge dent in my Christmas shopping. I even got really ambitious and wrapped most of the presents already. 😛

Window Walk in our neighborhood was on Saturday, so we walked around, enjoyed spiked hot chocolate, and looked at the pretty decorated windows. I love Christmas in the Central West End. 🙂

Saturday dinner was casual, at Tortillaria, one of our local Mexican restaurants. Pork carnitas burrito, yum! Afterwards, we watched the many conference championships at iTAP CWE.

After church on Sunday, Kevin insisted that I meet him at the zoo immediately. I showed up, and he surprised me by saying that we were there to pick out my St. Nicholas Day present 🙂 Obviously, we had to go see some animals first – penguins, sifakas, polar bear, the red panda, giraffes…

Then, I picked out this little ornament.

I made delicious chicken noodle soup for dinner (tripled the celery, quadrupled the carrots, and added a lot of spices). Perfect way to end the weekend.

Here’s to a week of great weather and continuing to avoid wearing my heavy parka!
