Like Us

You may or may not remember a 2008 top-40 hit, that eventually peaked at #18 and was all over the radio. Or, you might remember watching the movie Enchanted during the 2007-2008 holiday season, and seeing that hauntingly beautiful performance as Giselle realizes that she is actually in love with Robert. The guy who sang those songs? Just a guy from Anderson, Indiana, named Jon McLaughlin.

Well, for most people, that was it. But after I heard Beating My Heart, I got more curious, and bought the full album (OK Now). We went on a family vacation to Florida during spring break of my senior year in 2009. I can’t tell you much else about it, but I distinctly remember listening to that album on repeat while sitting on the beach. “Four Years” seemed to sum up high school pretty well (with one major difference – our prom king was and is one of my closest friends) and I just continued to become a bigger and bigger fan of the piano-heavy music and incredible, authentic vocals.

I started digging back into Jon’s older music, and found myself listening to his first CD (Industry). And I’ve bought all of his albums since – Forever if Ever (2011), Promising Promises (2012), Holding My Breath (2013), and his newest album, Like Us (2015). I follow this guy on Facebook and Twitter and always lamented being away at school or on internships. He came to Seattle during my internship there, but for some stupid reason, I didn’t make an effort to go.

This summer, when I saw he was going on tour again and coming to STL (as usual), I knew that I had to go. Best of all, the venue was the Duck Room at Blueberry Hill (a whopping 3.7 miles from my apartment), and managed to fall on a weekend when I would actually be home. When I drove to Nashville for SWE conference earlier this month, I listened to Jon McLaughlin music for over 3 hours of the drive.

The show opened with Tess Henley, a singer-songwriter from Kent, Washington (southern suburb of Seattle). She had a beautiful voice and that “different” sound that TV shows like American Idol and the Voice always looked for. I loved her songs, especially “Positively Me”. I also loved her use of electronics & recording clips to use as backup for her performance.

Tess Henley | opener for Jon McLaughlin
Tess Henley | opener for Jon McLaughlin

And then came the moment I’d been waiting for for who knows how long.

Can't even tell you how excited I was to see Jon McLaughlin live.
Can’t even tell you how excited I was to see Jon McLaughlin live.

The setlist started with many of the songs from his newest album (Like Us), and eventually transitioned into his older hits. In between songs, he told stories and talked about life in Nashville. In addition to having an amazing voice and being a phenomenal pianist and performer, he was hilarious and had such a deadpan sense of humor. And as if that wasn’t enough to endear him to the audience, he talked about his band’s efforts to improve the world (past tours have raised money for UNICEF, Children’s Miracle Network, and more). All of the profits from merchandise sold on this tour are going to a charity that works with victims of human trafficking in Bangladesh, to build safe houses and help them escape. I unfortunately can’t remember the name, but if you check out Jon McLaughlin on Twitter, I am sure he’ll post more information on how to help.

His voice was just as good as his recordings. I knew he was a good piano player, but I didn’t know he was that amazing. One of my favorite moments of the concert was towards the end of the regular setlist, when he played a several minute – long bridge connecting Summer Is Over and Industry. And after that, he started taking some requests from the audience, and ended the evening with “We All Need Saving”, from his 2008 album. I started tearing up, and frankly, I couldn’t have been happier.

I think it’s safe to say that I love Jon McLaughlin’s music even more now. It’s a good thing that I have hours worth of music to listen to and remember how amazing last night was. 🙂


WE15 Recap

Last year, I posted daily updates about my WE14 adventures. This year, life has been busy (read: too much traveling) and I have not had the time or energy to write long posts. That being said, here’s a long awaited recap of my WE15 adventures, beginning on Wednesday. (To read more about Tuesday and my arrival in Nashville, read this post.)

On Wednesday, I toured the Jack Daniels Distillery in Lynchburg, TN (a 90-minute drive from downtown Nashville). I have always been fascinated by food & beverage production facilities (I’m a chemical engineer by background – what do you expect?) and enjoyed seeing the academic concepts of distillation & filtration come to life in a historic setting. Fun fact: the difference between Tennessee whiskey & Kentucky bourbon is that whiskey has an added production step – filtration through sugar maple charcoal. Afterwards, we ate lunch at Miss Mary Bobo’s House, famous for southern hospitality and insanely delicious food. I’m super excited that my dad’s Jack Daniels cookbook includes many of the recipes from Miss Mary Bobo’s!

Miss Mary Bobo's House
Miss Mary Bobo’s House

We drove back to Nashville, and then the whirlwind of conference began, with committee meetings and dinner. When I graduated in 2013, I immediately jumped into society-level committees and quickly found my passion in SWE- outreach. I’ve since realized that in addition to being passionate about outreach, I also love recognizing and sharing outreach best practices, which fits quite nicely into my roles on the Outreach Committee and Awards & Recognition Committee. The Outreach Committee is spread throughout the United States, and though we meet monthly as a committee by phone, we only get to meet in person at annual conference. It was so nice to meet with the committee and our outreach representatives for each SWE region, and discuss what the regions’ future needs are from our committee.

I also attended Sing it to Begin It (the conference kickoff event and a live karaoke competition), which was a great addition to this year’s programming and a perfect fit for Nashville. The winner was actually a friend of one of my SWE Minnesota friends, and we had a great time cheering on all four contestants! (There is some serious vocal talent in SWE.)

Thursday morning’s opening keynote breakfast featured Nicki Palmer, senior vice president and chief network officer at Verizon Wireless. She was an inspiring, engaging speaker who immediately connected with the audience through her stories. Of the many things she shared that morning, one quote stood out to me – “Making things better is the fundamental job of an engineer.”  After her keynote, Nicki sat down for questions & answers with Colleen Layman, FY16 SWE President. She had so much wisdom to share – that for her, work-life integration is a constant push and pull (and varies by the day); that technology is useful and important to every career; and that each of us has many unique talents.

After the keynote, I attended a plenary session titled “Diversity and Inclusion: Partnering with Men to Create an Inclusive Workplace”, featuring a panel of leaders from a wide variety of industries, including (but not limited to) technology, academia, the military, and aerospace. One of the most striking comments was made by Bruce Maas, CIO at the University of Wisconsin – when he first assumed the role of CIO, no one could tell him how many women were in UW’s IT workforce. The panelists also offered several book recommendations (including Through the Labyrinth) and spoke to the cause-effect relationship of diversity & inclusion.

On Thursday afternoon, I attended the professional & joint meetings for my SWE region (Region i), where I had the chance to learn about several motions going before the Senate and other pertinent region business. Later that afternoon, I attended the Halo Circle Reception, an invitation-only reception for donors, life members, and supporters of SWE, and provided a chance to interact with the BOD/BOT and HQ staff. I spent the evening at the Boeing booth at the career fair, assisting where needed and talking to prospective interns/full-time hires about my experiences. I’ve loved recruiting since my days as an Engineering Ambassador at Mizzou, and love sharing what it’s really like to work here.

Our SWE corporate planning team hosts a breakfast at 7 AM on Friday each year at annual conference, to recognize any award winners.This year, I actually knew one of our award recipients. Dana Day (who received the Distinguished New Engineer Award this year) is the immediate past chair of the Outreach Committee and an integral part of the Invent It. Build It. planning team. We also received these adorable Boeing SWE bears –

During the day on Friday, I attended several sessions, including “Role Models Matter” (presented by Techbridge in preparation for Invent It. Build It), “I’m Perfect: Why Isn’t Everyone Else?” (on combating and recovering from perfectionism, and “What Is SWE Advocacy?” (which discussed the Society’s newest strategic initiative). Each of these sessions provided excellent tips that can be applied in everyday life, whether that is developing a way to talk to young students about engineering, learning to use the positive aspects of perfectionism while shedding the negative aspects (something I’ve always struggled with), and discovering how to advocate for SWE and engineering in everyday life. I spent Friday evening at dinner with other St. Louis attendees and had a wonderful time.

And then came Saturday, which has been my favorite day of conference since I graduated from college. Invent It. Build It. is an outreach event targeted towards middle school girls in grades 6-8 and their adult influencers (parents & educators). WE15 marked the sixth-annual Invent It. Build It. event, and as in past years, included an expo with local & national STEM- and girl-focused organizations and companies; a parent/educator program with panels about coursework, college admissions, and discussing STEM fields with their students; a new high school girls’ program; and a girls’ program, where girls interacted directly with SWE members and worked on fun engineering projects.

I reprised my role as Activities Coordinator again this year. We sent an aluminum foil boat activity kit home with each of the girls this year, with some small revisions so that activities can be shared on social media. I also had the joy of coordinating the role model star volunteers – in this role, volunteers wear a pageant-style sash identifying their engineering discipline / field, and walk around the EXPO & registration areas, interacting with the girls and showing them a demo/activity that relates to their field. This year, 11 disciplines were represented by more than 40 volunteers from a wide variety of universities & industries!

The day was a huge success and was executed flawlessly, thanks to the efforts of 300 SWE volunteers. Our program featured Deysi Melgar (host of WGBH’s Design Squad Nation) as emcee and a keynote from Sylvia Acevedo, who began her career at JPL and IBM and later served as an executive at several Fortune 500 companies, including IBM, Dell, Apple, and Autodesk. Her four major points were:

  1. You can get there from here.
  2. Practice until it becomes a skill.
  3. See and say your goals.
  4. Build your team to live your dream.

FY16 President Colleen Layman also addressed the girls and briefly discussed her role as vice president & resources business group water principal at HDR, an engineering consulting firm. The day’s activities included Touchdown (an egg-drop style activity) and Helping Hand (intended to simulate designing prosthetics), both developed by Design Squad Nation. I am looking forward to being involved with IIBI for many years to come!

Unfortunately, it was time for WE15 to come to a close. 😦 I attended the closing banquet, Celebrate SWE, with several friends I met through my years on CLCC (and was adopted by SWE Minnesota, as usual). I had a wonderful time presenting outreach awards in my sparkliest dress, but the real reason why I coordinate outreach awards is that I love seeing the work that SWE members are doing to impact future generations.

Presenting outreach awards at Celebrate SWE (photo credit: Kim Miller)
Presenting outreach awards at Celebrate SWE (photo credit: Kim Miller)

I didn’t envision any of this as a freshman, walking into my first SWE meeting in Lafferre E1419. My six-year journey in SWE (so far) has been full of surprises and has taught me so much, and I can’t wait to see what happens in the years ahead!


WE15 Day 0: Welcome to Nashville!

I have been slacking so much on blogging. We went to London and Paris last month, and I have left about three unfinished posts in WordPress and Word 2013. Those posts are still forthcoming (and long overdue), but right now, I am traveling a whole lot closer to home, in the Athens of the South.

I’m not going to tell you about how much I love SWE, or how important it is to me. (I’ve written posts on that before, and if you let me start talking about SWE, I’ll need a few hours to talk your ear off). But I will tell you that late October / early November is one of the most wonderful times of the year: annual conference week.

I was so excited that this year’s conference was in Nashville. (After my recent traveling, I do not want to set foot on an airplane anytime soon.) Yesterday, I had an easy morning drive through Illinois, Kentucky (cue the nostalgia), and finally into Tennessee! I haven’t been through here in years.

I arrived at my hotel, and since the room wasn’t ready yet, I decided to draw on some of the many suggestions that my tour guides had provided. Conveniently, two of my friends from high school did their undergrad at Vanderbilt. Between Audrey’s long list of restaurant suggestions and Ryan’s list of fun, authentic Nashville tourism, I felt prepared for an afternoon of solo sightseeing.

But first, a much-needed brunch. I’ve heard my friends talk about Frothy Monkey and decided to give it a try. A skim latte, eggs, turkey sausage, sourdough toast, and fruit. Yum 🙂

On my walk to and from Frothy Monkey, I also saw the Schemerhorn Symphony Center, the AT&T Building (aka the Batman building), the home of the Predators, and Broadway, full of live music and the like.

Then, it was time to head west a little to Vanderbilt. My first stop was Centennial Park, home to the Parthenon, which was originally built for a late 1890s exposition (think 1904 World’s Fair).

1610750_3658265977672_6164287200756016074_nAfter a walk, I drove across the street to Vanderbilt’s campus. It was a gorgeous day to explore a pretty campus. 🙂

Once my parking spot ran out, I headed over to Hillsboro Village (wedged between Vanderbilt & Belmont) to wander around. I stopped at a vintage used bookstore (so many beautiful things) and picked up a cute shirt at Posh Boutique. Even though I didn’t really need more coffee, I dropped into Fido, if only to say that I have been to a coffee shop that Taylor Swift frequents on occasion.

At long last, I checked into my hotel and settled in for a quiet evening. Can’t say for sure when a “day 1” post will arrive (tomorrow will be insane), but I’m having a wonderful time and am so happy to be with my SWE family this week!
