Week in Review – 06.25.2015

Another busy week!  I started off last weekend at my parents’ house for dinner (Friday pizza, as usual 🙂 ), which also meant a few hours of puppy playtime with Scout… this is from a rare moment of staring out the window.


I fell for this dog the moment we met in March (when my parents adopted her), and spend at least a few hours each weekend playing with her after church.  As it turns out, this means that she associates me exclusively with playtime.  Her favorite indoor game is “I’m going to bring you a toy and hit you with it until you grab on, and then I’ll try to get it back” (played on repeat), and sticks continue to be the outdoor toy of choice.  Last weekend, she ran up to me with a stick, wagging her tail 🙂 I love having a new friend!

I brought Melissa back to my apartment with me, where we indulged in a John Hughes classic (Sixteen Candles), Sprite Zero (I never buy soda!) and microwave popcorn.  We haven’t hung out in awhile, since she was off at school for so long, and I’ve been busy too.

On Saturday morning, we woke up early and drove over to Vincent Van Doughnut in Clayton.  I normally don’t eat doughnuts, but I have heard so many great things about this place (and have seen a plethora of photos from our AP German teacher), that I decided it was time for my annual exception.  We brought them back to my apartment, and I finally brewed some of my Brazilian coffee (from the Starbucks Roastery) to accompany a delicious chocolate salted caramel doughnut, raspberries, and blueberries.


It was only 8:30, so we sat around and watched Frasier for awhile before kicking off our day.  The Pulitzer Arts Foundation recently reopened their museum (I think), and when I saw that Alexander Calder was one of the featured exhibits, I knew I had to go.  Though photography was forbidden inside, I caught this beautiful view on the patio:


We managed to get an amazing (and free!) parking spot in the Pulitzer’s tiny lot, so we walked down the street to the Contemporary Art Museum.  This was up Melissa’s alley.  I was lost and a little confused by artwork (apparently modern art is about process, not final results), but thoroughly enjoyed the live band and cardboard city (part of the family block party day at the Pulitzer, CAM, and the Sheldon).

It was only 11 am by this point, so we decided to continue art museum hopping, and headed over to the Art Museum in Forest Park.  Kevin and I actually just visited at the end of May (the day before I flew to Seattle), but I never get tired of staring at Monet’s water lilies or the Mondrian that inspired my purchase of the copy in my apartment.  I also purchased a Mondrian dry erase board in the gift shop, which I have been eyeing and dreaming of for weeks.  I can’t wait to hang it up in my cubicle at work!


We enjoyed lunch at Nora’s before heading back to my parents’.  Big surprise – Scout wanted to play.  For hours.  A little later, while searching for Rascal Flatts CDs (they’re opening for the Stones next weekend!!!), I found my molecule set from college, and made all sorts of things – benzene rings, ethanol, chloroform, water… it’s funny how a molecule set is tons of fun, now that I am not in organic chemistry anymore.  I also grabbed my 1000+-page copy of Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, to drag to work next week – surely, there is something useful for my job in aerospace, right?

I headed home after dinner, and made delicious blondies.  Baking is so much fun 🙂

On Sunday, I went to church as usual, followed by a perfect Father’s Day lunch at my parents’ (chicken salad sandwiches on flatbread, strawberries, tortilla chips, and brownies) and a nice afternoon at my grandpa’s house in Illinois.

This week at work, I have been taking a class on some software, and have learned way more about designing airplane parts than I ever wanted to before.  It is incredibly frustrating and has confirmed that chemical engineering was the right degree program for me, and that I am happy in my world of finishes & corrosion prevention. 🙂

I’ve been going to Pure Barre a lot this week (M-Th), since I’m on my second week of the new client special.  It really is getting easier to follow what is going on, and I’m so happy after each class!

Kevin finally comes home from Seattle tonight, and I can’t wait.  I’m off to the airport in a bit to pick him up – it has been a long few weeks apart, and it has been a long ~4 weeks since our last full weekend together.  What better way to start the rest of our summer, than with a few Cards/Cubs games? 😛 In spite of the fact that I’ll be listening to Cardinals rants tomorrow evening, I am beyond excited to kick off an amazing summer with my best friend 🙂



Week in Review – 06.19.2015

I haven’t forgotten to write that Seattle weekend post – life has just been busy, as I’ve been playing catch-up since getting home.

Last Saturday, I bought these nautical pillows that match my color scheme (royal blue and magenta) perfectly. This is why I always check the home section at Target.


I baked delicious coconut key lime bars on Saturday afternoon. These are the perfect antidote to blistering St. Louis summers, and I have a feeling I’ll be making them again.

My SWE section had our annual dinner on Saturday, at the Engineers’ Club of St. Louis. It was so nice getting to see my SWE friends, and I am excited to continue planning the 2017 region conference. I’m also so proud of Saint Louis University’s section, which received the award for Collegiate Section of the Year!  I loved working with them on their Wow! That’s Engineering event in February.  And check out this stunning view on my walk home –


I finally saw Avengers: Age of Ultron with my sister on Sunday. Kevin isn’t a fan of these superhero movies (and my friends already saw it), but Melissa is conveniently obsessed with superheroes. The movie was a little confusing at times, but luckily, I had an expert in the theater to explain everything to me.

This week, I started going to Pure Barre in Ladue. I don’t know where I first heard of Pure Barre, but I decided while on travel that I needed to try it out. Once I got home, I immediately signed up for the new client special! Pure Barre is a great low-impact workout that really works all of your muscles and also improves posture and flexibility. I was diagnosed with mild scoliosis when I was 10, and have used it as an excuse for my lack of flexibility ever since. I’m determined to combat this, and my 3 classes this week have already improved my self-esteem 🙂

It’s blueberry season, so I baked some blueberry oatmeal muffins on Monday night. (I may be out of things to bake by the time Kevin gets back.)


We had our final outreach committee call of FY15 on Tuesday – joining this committee was one of the best SWE decisions I ever made. I am so excited to continue working on the Wow! Innovations program and Invent It Build It in FY16 and beyond!

In advance of next weekend’s Cards/Cubs games, I decided to buy some summery Cardinals gear from Old Navy.  I’m ready for a sweep!


Food recommendation of the week – harvest grains blend from Trader Joe’s. It’s a blend of couscous, orzo, baby garbanzo beans, and red quinoa (aka many of my favorite things!). I cooked some for dinner after Pure Barre last night, and added in chicken, garbanzo beans, green pepper, and tomato.  It made delicious leftovers for lunch today.

Looking forward to a nice Father’s Day weekend with my extended family. 🙂 Catch you next week!


Week in Review – 06.12.2015

I am currently wrapping up my business trip in true Seattle fashion – with an iced coffee from Tully’s, conveniently located on the first floor of my (temporary) office building. I had a wonderful time up here and learned so much. I feel that I’ve really built good relationships with my coworkers up here, and am looking forward to the future as this program progresses! We really are designing something amazing, and I can’t wait.

A post is forthcoming about my amazing weekend in Seattle (last weekend), but I am saving that for when I get home. I have a lot of great pictures on my digital camera, but unfortunately left the USB cable in my apartment. Over the course of that weekend, I managed to fit in all of these things:


  • Enjoying my favorites from the Market – Rainier cherries, Apfelschorle, and fish ‘n’ chips from Jack’s Fish Spot
  • Chihuly Garden & Glass
  • the Space Needle
  • Olympic Sculpture Park
  • 8 am church at Messiah Lutheran
  • A latte and a book at Grateful Bread Bakery
  • 3-mile hike (maybe longer) at Discovery Park
  • Lunch at Thaiku in Phinney Ridge
  • An afternoon of window shopping (mostly) at University Village
  • Salted caramel ice cream from my favorite in Seattle, Molly Moon’s


Needless to say, I was busy.

I got to Monday and was bummed – part of my reason for choosing these particular weeks was that Kevin would be out here already for work. But then, his trip got delayed, and there was basically 0% chance of seeing each other. Well, Monday evening brought a pleasant surprise! we managed to meet up for dinner at Anthony’s on Pier 66, looking right out over Elliott Bay. I had the most delicious seared halibut with a grilled sweet potato and tomato (not sure what else). Afterwards, we walked down a little further south and took a ride on the Ferris Wheel at Miner’s Landing. It was the most perfect way to spend a Monday, and getting that date night makes it so much easier to wait for when we’re both home in a few weeks 🙂


On Tuesday after work, I went to Ivar’s at Mukilteo Landing (near my hotel) for dinner, with two of my coworkers. Dinner was delicious (grilled salmon with cornbread pudding and blackberries), but the true highlight of the meal was getting carded when I ordered a glass of wine. #embarrassing

Kevin and I are going to see the Rolling Stones on July 4th, and have been anxiously awaiting the announcement of the opener for months.  On Wednesday, they finally announced it – after years of being a fan, I am finally going to see Rascal Flatts live!  I have so many of their CDs from high school and early college, and they are truly the perfect fit for an opening act on July 4th at the Indianapolis Speedway 🙂

I had a free Pure Barre class to use (for being new), so I drove back down to the U District after work on Wednesday to do that. It was so much easier to follow the class this time! I am super excited to start going to the studio in Ladue when I get home, and even more excited for the Central West End studio to open next month.

Ordinarily, I do not go to Starbucks after work (usually it’s on a weekend), but the weather was so beautiful yesterday, that I couldn’t resist a coffee frappuccino light. I headed back to my hotel room and talked to my mom for awhile. It is so annoying to be in different time zones, separated by 2 hours. I am so used to calling right when I get off work or catching up after church, and I’m looking forward to going back to that routine.

I packed (more difficult than I anticipated) and went to sleep, excited for my last night in the hotel. I have been counting down the hours until I get to go home. 😛 I am really missing my apartment, my regular routine, and all of my family and friends back home. And of course, Scout. I fell for her the second I met her in March, and am super excited to play with her this weekend.


I have a fun, perfect weekend ahead – catching up on life, the annual dinner for my SWE section, and finally seeing the Avengers – and I absolutely can’t wait to get it started!


Week in Review – 06.05.2015

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I am taking a cue from my favorite blog and starting a weekly Friday recap – this one will be a recap of two weeks, since a lot has gone on!  I spent Memorial Day weekend up in the Chicago area with Kevin, and I truly enjoyed spending time with him and his family.  We ate so much delicious food and visited so many wonderful places, as you can probably tell from the photo gallery above.

One of the highlights was Saturday lunch at Portillo’s.  Everyone from Chicago *raves* about this place, and I didn’t understand it until my first visit to the Chicago suburbs last summer.  Now I get it.


Life got rather hectic after that.  We headed back home Tuesday, and I managed to destroy one of my tires on Wednesday while driving home after a hair cut.  What a way to ruin an evening.  So, I spent some time Thursday at my tire place.  (Yes, I have had enough issues that I have a tire place…)

We tried to enjoy our weekend before a long period of overlapping work trips.  On Saturday morning, Kevin and I went to the Missouri History Museum, conveniently located in Forest Park (close to where we both live).  We decided that going to a museum exhibit on opening day is an official sign that we’re nerds.  (For reference, it was a great exhibit about St. Louis in 1875.) We also saw the Nazi propaganda exhibit, which truly broke my heart.  It just hurts to think about how badly people were treated.  I believe the exhibit is there for a few more months – definitely worth seeing.

Kevin has persistently asked me to go to Dave & Buster’s (and I have continually resisted).  We finally went on Saturday afternoon, and I had a blast.  We won 1,000 tickets (okay, not that much), but it definitely exceeded my expectations.

For dinner, we visited Onesto in the South City area.  My aunt gave us a gift card here for Christmas, and we finally got around to using it.  I had absolutely delicious sangria (strawberry nectarine) and a wonderful smoked turkey sandwich (and a salad, don’t worry Mom).  My favorite thing about Onesto was the complimentary garlic knots brought to every table.  They were addicting and delicious.

We took a long walk on Sunday and visited the St. Louis Art Museum, where we took in our usual Americana, Impressionism, and medieval weaponry.  And I tried very hard to deny what was coming the next morning, as I beat Kevin in a game of Mickey Mouse Monopoly (this is a major accomplishment) and made delicious chocolate chip pancakes for dinner.

Earlier this week (Monday morning), I flew up to Seattle for work.  It has been a long week (especially with the cold that I definitely acquired from the 4+ hour flight in a middle seat), but it is the weekend at last!  Tonight, I took a risk and tried out Pure Barre for the first time.  I have heard great things about it for months, and haven’t managed to go yet… but what better time than a Friday night away from home?

Long story short, I loved it, and am excited that I have a free class to use before I head home next week.  I stretched a lot of muscles that I am not using enough, and am really hoping that this helps improve my historically bad flexibility.  There is a location in Ladue, which is on my way home from work 🙂  It’s a little expensive, but I enjoyed it so much that it is worth it.


Since I went to class at the location near U Dub, I was right next to University Village, where I used to shop when I lived in Seattle.  Above is my dinner 🙂

I browsed the stores a little, but since I was very underdressed to be shopping at the nice stores, I just dropped into Lululemon, which was conveniently having a great sale.  I bought two cute tops from the clearance rack and decided that someday, I will have the courage to try their leggings.

I am excited for a busy, fun weekend here in Seattle!  It will be a nice mix of the things I loved most during my summer here and the things I didn’t get a chance to experience.  Look for a post on that soon.

In spite of all that, I am looking forward to heading home next week and being back in my apartment.  Having to arrive at work by 6:10 am to get a good parking spot is a little ridiculous.  I miss my desk back in STL, where I can park a minute from my desk at any time of day.  But there is something to be said for mountain views and coffee shops everywhere at work…

See you once I’m back in the Lou!
